Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Cake pops attempt and Quick choc cuppies

Saturday happenings, took my kid brother around with me, we went to pick up cupcake wrappers,a mini muffin pan and colour gels before indulging in some McDonalds and heading back to mine to attempt cake pops.

19 packets of wrappers! Should last a while.

Added 3 new colours to the pantry :)

Should have heeded mum's words about cake box mixes! As I was following Bakerella's cake pop method, I used a Betty Crocker's box mix and the cake texture was totally .....pathetic...... by the time I added the frosting, it was just a gloopy mess. Needless to say I knew it wasn't going to stay on the stick, let alone take the form of spring chicks! By some miracle, it did stay on the stick so I just spooned the candy melt onto the cake and had a rather messy finish! Candy melt was also quite thick after heating so might have to add oil to thin it out if attempting a smooth finish next cake pop attempt! Will also bake a cake from scratch next time, although I have one chocolate cake box mix left in the pantry now... Maybe bake it and see how that turns out?!

The cake pop stand arrived last Monday, bottom tiers are huge!

Last night (Tuesday), I was seriously craving cupcakes so I decided to use up that second box of cake mix in the pantry. Luckily the chocolate version was better than the strawberry above. Can't fault how quick it is to use premade mixes. Only took 5 mins before it was ready to go in the oven. So start to finish- 30 minutes flat!
Used buttermilk instead of water contrary to instructions on box
Frosting included in box
Cupcake inspektor on duty!
Pistachio macarons this weekend if I can spare the time. Tenant swap and gardening to do at the rental property :) Chores chores chores!


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