Sunday, November 6, 2011

Watermelon Cupcakes

Did a rush job Thursday night on a batch of watermelon cupcakes. I didn't sift the flour, mixed everything in a jiffy and got a couple of air bubbles and deflated cupcakes. hehehe!

Made watermelon flavored red cupcakes, used dark chocolate buttons as the 'seeds' and topped it with green vanilla buttercream. Didn't get the buttercream texture right so no cute dollops :(

Chocolate 'seeds'!
Here's the rest of the Williams Sonoma stuff, can't wait to try out the Apple Pocket Pies! :) And the decorating bottles are for icing christmas cookies, got them on sale. Next up I'd like to try some pandan cupcakes but I have to find some ingredients that are not readily available at the supermarket.


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